Environmental issues
One of the urgent problems of the whole world is ecology – environmental protection in our country faces a number of difficulties. The most accurate information on this topic was provided back in the early 90s. Environmental structures are insufficiently financed, which is reflected in the amount of equipment for monitoring and control of harmful productions. For this reason, services responsible for ecology and environmental protection do not receive sufficient information on emissions of harmful substances, emergency conditions.
Air pollution
The most important task in ecology and environmental protection is to control air pollution in large cities. Metallurgical plants, chemical and petrochemical industries, and timber processing deserve special attention. Also specialists in ecology and environmental protection deal with the issue of negative impact of motor transport, which causes air pollution of more than 200 types of harmful substances. In large industrial centers the situation is aggravated by a combination of high density of motor vehicles and presence of harmful industries. According to ecologists and environmentalists, increasing green spaces is essential for reducing the harm caused by air pollution. This is especially true for plants that have adapted to the high concentration of chemical compounds in urban air.
Water Pollution
Recently, water pollution is one of the most important ecological and environmental problems. Deterioration is seen in all aspects: rivers are degraded and depleted, and water quality is declining. Every fifth water pipe exceeds the content of harmful chemical compounds. Water quality is affected by construction in sanitary zones, violation of agricultural practices, and wastewater discharges by enterprises. Chlorination of water helps to cope with bacterial contamination, but it is powerless against heavy metals and toxins.
Soil contamination and degradation
The increase in eroded and erosion-prone farmland is another important issue that ecology deals with (environmental protection also deals with soil conditions). In our country, this is more than half of all agricultural land. Causes of this situation are plowing with heavy machinery, disturbance of natural vegetation cover, pesticides.
Measures to protect the environment
An effective method of cleaning contaminated soils is to breed special worms that neutralize dangerous compounds. Planting greenery helps fight erosion. Specialists in ecology and environmental protection recommend preserving as much as possible the natural regeneration of the tree population, so that genetic diversity is not disturbed. An important way to combat air pollution is the gradual transition to vehicles with regenerative braking – electric cars. Wastewater treatment and the transition of manufacturing plants to zero-waste technology also help improve the environmental situation.